Zofaxworld > Useful Links

Refund Policy

ZofaxWorld are happy for our customers to return the items which are unsuitable or purchased in error as long as the items are returned in unopened, unused and undamaged condition within 14 days.

The return postage costs are to be met by the buyer and we advise customers to concern to ZofaxWorld Team before returning of the items to us. We don’t charge any re-stocking fee to our customers on acceptance of items that are unsuitable or purchase in error.

The goods are received damaged or in faulty condition are replaced free of charge.

Please contact us via Report Items to report receipt of unsuitable, damaged and faulty items.

On the acceptance of the return items, our team will inspect the items before processing refunds. The refunds will be paid within 7 days of the receipt of the returned order. We will refund using the same method as the payment was originally received.