zofax > Corporate

GDPR Information

The ZofaxWorld as a ZOFAX LIMITED, are committed to our customers privacy and we strong follow the General Data Protection Regulations (GDRP)

As you a customer, you have the right to request what data we hold about you. You have right to request to get information using the below.

Our GDRP Policy

We use your data for contacting you with saving offers and discounts to benefit you.
We do not sell or share your data with the other companies.
We keep your data in our securely until further instructions.
We retain your contact details and order history for future references.

Would you like to have our interesting products, monthly discount codes and offers? contact us

Control Your Data

Marketing Out - Request to unsubscribe marketing information hold by us, contact us.
Request Data - Request to collect your data hold by us, contact us.
Delete Data - Request to delete your data hold by us, contact us.
Transfer Data - Request to transfer your data hold by us, contact us.
Breach Data - Report the data breach by us, contact us.
Protect Data - Request our Data Protection Policy hold by us, contact us.
Error data - Request to correct an error with the data hold by us, contact us